Lecklé ad­vi­sed Hoi­va­ra­ken­ta­jat Oy in the acqui­si­tion of a com­pa­ny de­ve­lo­ping a ca­re ho­me


Lecklé acted as legal advisor to seller Hoivarakentajat Oy in a transaction involving a company developing an environmentally certified care facility complex in Kuopio that is under construction and will be built from Finnish logs. The buyer was a company managed by the Danish-based investment company Northern Horizon Capital.

Hoivarakentajat Oy is Finland's most experienced public sector log builder, specializing in the construction of environmentally friendly and user-friendly daycare centers, schools and service buildings.

Lecklé's team: Lauri Torkkeli and Juho Wallenberg (Legal).

Lecklé congratulates both parties on the transaction!

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