Lecklé repre­sen­ted the emplo­yer in an occu­pa­tio­nal sa­fe­ty and disc­ri­mi­na­tion dis­pu­te


Lecklé successfully represented the employer in a lawsuit in which several former employees claimed damages from the employer organization for failure to comply with the obligations laid down in the Occupational Safety and Health Act and compensation for discrimination in recruitment under the Non-discrimination Act. Lecklé's representatives on this assignment were Lauri Pyökäri and Simo Kahelin.

The former employees claimed that the employer had caused compensable damage to the former employees by neglecting its obligations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

According to former employees, the CEO would have systematically harassed and treated employees inappropriately for a long time. Inappropriate treatment was considered to include, among other things, humiliation, annulment, manipulation, disturbance of work peace, disclosure of health information and threats of termination of employment and legal sanctions. In addition, the employees considered that the CEO would have discriminated against the employee in recruitment by not renewing the employee's fixed-term employment due to a harassment report.

The employees claimed that the employer would have caused compensable damage by neglecting the employer's duty to act after becoming aware of the harassment and inappropriate behaviour directed at the employees by the CEO.

The employer denied all claims of the former employees as unfounded. The employer considered that he had not neglected his occupational safety obligations in a manner that gave rise to liability for damages but had taken appropriate and sufficient measures immediately after being informed of the harassment report. The employees had not been treated inappropriately and there was no evidence of compensable suffering causally linked to the alleged negligence.

After the employer responded to the claims, the case was transferred to court mediation, where the matter could not be resolved. At the end of the court mediation, Lecklé negotiated a settlement agreement with the lawyer of the former employees, whereby all disputes and claims relating to the disputes were finally settled at a cost of EUR 2,000 per employee, without commenting on the validity of the claims and claims made by the parties in the disputes. The court confirmed the settlement reached.

The final solution was reached quickly and inexpensively for the employer, avoiding the risks of litigation.

Every year, Lecklé's disputes team is successfully involved in dozens of dispute settlements and legal proceedings, both in general courts and arbitration proceedings as well as in the Market Court.

Lecklé employs a number of licensed litigation lawyers who are happy to assess the background to your disagreements and possible ways forward.

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